
Check out the challenge!

April 2021

Day 1: Drum Kit

A simple drum kit using key event listeners, data-, .wav files, and javascript audio tools.

Day 2: A minimalist clock

Using JS we change the transform rotation on a clock to match current time.

Day 3: Playing with CSS using JS

A look at an image and the effects we can add to it.

Day 4: using arrays

Console only. We test how arrays can be used to our advantage.

Day 5: flex box

Expandable flex boxes showing how we can take advantage of flex.

Day 6: suggestions ahead of typing

Start typing a city and a list of cities that match will show their population as you type.

Day 7: using arrays 2

Console only. We test how arrays can be used to our advantage.

Day 8: Canvas

We take painting to the computer using a mouse or our fingers.

Day 9: Console tools

Console only. We learn about tools commonly unknown in console.

Day 10: shift select checkboxes

Select multiple checkboxes like you could in am email website.

Day 11: video player customization

A video player that looks nicer and has different controls.

Day 12: key sequence combinations

Here we detect when specific keys are pressed one after the other. Hint: ABC or left right up down.

Day 13: smooth slide transition

Images transition from off screen as you scroll through the page to make it look nicer.

Day 14: references and copies in JS

How is a reference different than a copy and when are they used?

Day 15: Using localStorage

We store information to the local machine and make it visible.

Day 16: Playing with text shadow

Day 17: sorting arrays conditionally

We sort band names filtering out pronouns like 'the'.

Day 18: Add data for video lengths

We add together the lengths of videos.

Day 19: Web camera

We test out using the camera.

Day 21: geolocation

We have a compass telling you how fast you move and what way you are facing.

Day 22: Following pillbox

A box follows your mouse when you go over one of our categories.

Day 28: video player edits 2

Day 29: countdown timer

Get informed when a specified amount of time has passed.

Day 30: Mole game

Whack moles for ten seconds and see how many points you can acquire.